Friday, December 16, 2011

Twenty-five: Traversing Clio -- Iraq Un-poem

With the end of the war in Iraq, I reprint the poem I wrote close to its outset. 

Iraq Un-poem

A poem
called “Iraq,
No Phobia”
must be written—
if not by me,
then by you.

It should contain
no rhyme
or reason;
it should contain
no sense
of season.

It should be a depiction
of an unaltered landscape,
onto which we throw
the full weight
of our enterprise
with a purpose
so ill-defined
that the contours
of the terrain
remain as unclear
and indistinct
as before we lifted our pen.

It should contain spiders,
spinning webs of deceit
that confuse
and misdirect,
to play on our greatest fears,
and to explain
the poem’s title.

It should also represent the modern poem –
graphically depicting
the social landscape,
but in the face of so much death
            and destruction
really not capable
of doing justice
to the sheer enormity
and catastrophe
of it all.

And you should write it,
because I am damned
if I can.

But then you would be too.

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